The Polish Electromobility Association took the institutional patronage over the Impact'20 Congress.
21 February 2020

Nissan as a partner of PSEM in an educational project for primary schools.
20 January 2020

On December 18, 2019, our Association elected by a majority of votes the New Management Board.
13 January 2020

PSEM supports environmental education in schools
21 November 2019

On June 29-30 we were present together with the Electromobility Forum at the Euro Eco Festival in Złotów.
1 July 2019

September 10-11, 2019, we invite everyone to the REENERGY international trade fair
10 June 2019

September 10-11, 2019, we invite everyone to the REENERGY international trade fair
7 June 2019

On May 10-12, 2019, PSEM took part in the Electronic Show in Nadarzyn.
15 May 2019

President of UPEBI awarded with the "Medal of the 100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence"
18 April 2019

Electromobility - the direction of automotive development
26 February 2019

On March 7, we invite you to the Nissan Polody dealer in Kalisz on Women's Day.
21 February 2019

Welcome to the International Trade Fair of Electrical Equipment and Security Systems ELEKTROTECHNIKA
19 February 2019

How to build e-mobility in local governments.
4 February 2019

In the first month of the new year, we went on a return visit to our partners from the Austrian association BieM Austria Bundesinitiative e-Mobility.
25 January 2019

On January 14-15, 2019, we are present at the POWERPOL Energy and Heating Congress in Warsaw
16 January 2019

PSEM joined the group of members of UPEBI.
11 January 2019

Experts from PSEM in Radio Puławy participate in the whole cycle of "POSITIVE DRIVE" program.
8 January 2019

On Thursday (20.12.2018.), at the Warsaw School of Economics, an expert seminar took place. "How to defend energy independence?".
7 January 2019

Poland and Austria for electromobility. The Polish Electromobility Association has signed another letter of intent assuming cooperation.
7 January 2019

Toyota cars with voice-controlled navigation with artificial intelligence.
26 November 2018

21/11/2018 we have visited an exceptional trade fair. FLEET MARKET 2018 - Automotive and Business Fair held at Global Expo in Warsaw.
22 November 2018

New Corolla Sedan with hybrid drive
19 November 2018

Will the next Lexus F Series be hybrids?
13 November 2018

PSEM together with partner JedenSlad - city electric scooter network at the PSEW2018 Conference on 6-8 November 2018, we organized a promotional stand for environmentally friendly transport.
8 November 2018

PSEM assumed patronage over the Smart City Expo Poland Fair, which will take place on June 11 - 12, 2019 in Łódź.
29 October 2018

PSEM came to Katowicki Spodek at Cake Festival Poland 2018, where we were talking about delicious solutions for the automotive industry.
26 October 2018

PSEM continues the series of thematic articles…
We invite you to read our new case study about
"Electric-friendly office buildings gain valuable points for certification"
18 October 2018

JedenŚlad - city network of electric scooters became an honorary member of PSEM.
18 October 2018

PSEM substantive partner of event Congress of Public Transport and Intelligent Cities. We invite you to photo relation from this event.
15 October 2018

We invite you to watch our newest movie showing how PSEM works.
12 October 2018

JedenŚlad - from a modest start-up to the market leader.
10 October 2018

PSEM starts cooperation with the Master Industry - Modern Guidance for bakers, confectioners and ice cream shops, opening a section on modern solutions in transport.
27 September 2018

PSEM assumed honorary patronage over the 7th edition of the TOP INDUSTRY SUMMIT conference, which will take place on November 7, 2018 in The WESTIN Warsaw.
24 September 2018

On 22.09.2018, PSEM visited Kalisz, where in the NISSAN salon - Nissan Polody Kalisz, the "Electromobility - an opportunity for Poland, the future for Wielkopolska" conference was held.
24 September 2018

21/09/2018 together with our partner JedenSlad - a city network of electric scooters, we have organized a promotional stand for environmentally friendly transport.
24 September 2018

16.09.2018 PSEM in partnership with JEDEN SLAD took part in Eco-Picnic in Piastow, where zero emissions vehicles have been shown.
17 September 2018

The portal "Mistrz Branży" became a partner of Polish E-mobility Association. Within cooperation PSEM and "Mistrz Branży" want to promote ecological solutions in transportation for food industry. We believe it is the beginning the fruitful cooperation.
6 September 2018

Polish E-mobility Association signed letter of intent with Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT).
6 September 2018

Polish E-mobility Association signed letter of intent with Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT).
6 September 2018

On 2nd of September on Castle Square in Warsaw "Picnic with vibe" was held.
5 September 2018

National Found of Environmental Protection and Water Management took honorary patronage over educational-informational campaign "Kobieta za kółkiem elektryka", which is led by Polish E-mobility Association.

4 September 2018

Seminary "Blockchain in Energy technology" was held in Warsaw on 29th of August.
4 September 2018

PSEM took substantive patronage over the VIIth Congress of Public Transportation and Inteligent City.
31 August 2018

PSEM took honorary patronage over the Conference "Elektromobility.
31 August 2018

PSEM starts the action of marking the electromobility friendly places.
13 July 2018

PSEM starts another campaign started "Green energy for electric vehicles".
13 July 2018

PSEM will be a partner of 1st Warmińsko-Mazurski Kongres Elektromobiności, which will take place between 13rd-14th in Giżycko.
11 July 2018

On 26th of June PAS Energy Center in Jabłonna will hold the meeting of special women, who support the idea of electromobility.
21 June 2018

PSEM participated in 3rd International Eco Fleet Fair EkoFlota, which took place between 15th - 16th of June in Warsaw.
21 June 2018

"Kobieta za kółkiem elektryka" will appear on 3rd International Eco Fleet Fair EkoFlota, which will take place between 15th-16th of June in Warsaw.
12 June 2018

PSEM took patronage over the 3rd International Eco Fleet Fair EkoFlota 2018. We kindly invite you to the event, which will take place between 15th-16th of June in Warsaw.
6 June 2018

PSEM took honorary patronage over the Okrągły Stół Energetyczny. We kindly invite you to the event, which will take place on 20th of June in Warsaw.
28 May 2018

PSEM took patronage over the 3rd edition of Forum Kobiet w Infrastrukturze i Transporcie. We kindly invite you to the event, which will take place on 6th of June in Warsaw.
21 May 2018

PSEM starts new educational-informational campaign "Kobieta za kółkiem elektryka".
30 April 2018

PSEM invites to 2nd E-mobility Conference – challenges for energy production, self-government and transport.
30 April 2018

The President of PSEM Mrs Sylwia Koch-Kopyszko took part in debate about electromobility during 6th National Energy Summit OSE Gdańsk 2018.
26 April 2018

PSEM took part in thematic session MOVE Mobility &Vehicles, which was organized by Poznan International Fair.
12 April 2018

PSEM took patronage over the 7th edition of debate dedicated to the energy future of Poland.
12 March 2018

PSEM becomes a member of Green Cars Cluster.
9 March 2018

Debate "Electromobility in Tech City"
27 February 2018

Psem - partner of the Future Energy forum in Rzeszow 29-30.11.2017
4 December 2017

Polish E-Mobility took a patronage of following event:
Workshop "Energy clusters - from theory to practice"
7 November 2017

The President of PSEM Mrs Sylwia Koch-Kopyszko in the 14th NEW INDUSTRY CONGRESS
11 October 2017

Ralationship of CONFERENCE DURING EcoFleet Fair 2017 by "EKOMOBILNOŚĆ"
10 October 2017
after E-Mobility Conference: Mobility, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Transport.

PSEM is taking patronage over the 2nd International Eco Fleet Fair:
EkoFlota 2017 – Innovation, Ecology, Mobility
4 October 2017

Ministry of Energy and Polish E-Mobility Association signed letter of intent concerning E-Mobility development
23 August 2017

On the 5 of July 2017 the President of the Polish Electromobility Mobility in TV Rzeczpospolita.
5 July 2017

Energy clusters - hope for development of the renewable energy.
3 July 2017

Polska Grupa Energetyczna Sa (PGE SA) declared on the 22th of June 2017 the establishment of the Corporate Venture Capital "PGE Ventures" fund.
21 June 2017

Established on the 21st of June 2017 InnVento Incubator will support the startups and reseachers implementing projects for the energy sector.
21 June 2017

Minister Kurtyka at the VIII Congress of the Regions.
20 June 2017

Consultation of the draft ordinance of the Minister of Energy on the specific rules of tariffs' design and calculation, as well as the payoffs in the turnover of the gas fuels.
13 June 2017

Opening of the International Centre of Excellence on the use of methane from the coal mines on the 8th of June in Katowice, Poland.
8 June 2017

Development Directions of Innovations in Energy – the fundament of strenghtening and innovation development in the Polish energetics.
2 June 2017

Comments of the Polish Electromobility Association on the drafted Act on electromobility and alternative fuels.
31 May 2017

Collaboration with self - governments is a crucial element of the electromobility development in Poland.
26 May 2017

Polish energetics steps into modernisation, innovations and search for new technological and business solutions.
23 May 2017

Public consultations of the Electromobility Act draft
15 May 2017

PSEM President holds a lecture in the Parliament of the Republic of Poland.
16 February 2017
The programme includes the presentation of the Mrs. Sylwia Koch – Kopyszko, the President of PSEM „Electomobility and renewable sources of energy”.

The date of the ceremonial undersigning of the letters of intent with the cities and communes.
26 January 2017
Electromobility is one of the key areas defined in the Strategy for Responsible Development.

Zero emission public transportation – a new programme led by the National Centre for Research and Development.
16 January 2017
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