
Zero emission public transportation – a new programme led by the National Centre for Research and Development.
26 January 2017
The state as an intelligent buyer, the collaboration with the self-government and innovative solutions – these are the basic assumptions of the newly opened programme „Zero emissions public transportation”. The government assures, that in the framework of the innovative partnership there will be even 1000 of the zero emission buses on the Polish streets.
The aim of the programme implemented by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is the implementation of innovative solutions related to electromobility in the framework of the innovative partnership. The initial declaratios of participation in the programme were submitted by 21 cities and the Upper Silesian Industrial Region including 29 communes. The next step will be the signing of the letter of intent on the collaboration of the governmental institutions with the cities, which are focused on the development of electromobility.
The ministry responsible for science assures, that concortia, among which there might be research institutions, as well as the producers representing the private sector can expect even 100 million PLN for the their projects. And on the later stage – also the trade area, secured by the self-government – the partner in the programme. Additional support can be secured by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, currently involved in the talks with the National Center for Research and Development. According to the estimates the transactions in the programme „Zero emission public transportation” will reach even 1 billion PLN, and 50 self governments will receive even 1000 electric vehicles.
NCBR also informs about its plans to launch a dedicated programme focused on the charging infrastructure for the zero emission vehicles. One of its components should be the elaboration of the analyses for the cities focused on the optimisation of the construction costs and the exploitation of the infrastructure.
The presentation of the programme "Zero emission public transportation"