
Psem - partner of the Future Energy forum in Rzeszow 29-30.11.2017
4 December 2017
E-mobility – the polish way - WHERE the path to the success in e-mobility is going to? On this topic were discussing panelists during the I day of Future Energy Forum in Rzeszów. Apart from Mr Adam Hamryszczak - undersecretary of state in Ministry of Economic Development, in discussion also took part: Zenon Wajda, Vice President of PGE Obrót S.A, Robert Kuraszkiewicz, Vice President of Bank Pocztowy S.A., representing also Grupa Poczty Polskiej, Jarosław Wajer, Ernst & Young partner, Biznes Consulting sector and Grzegorz Nowaczewski, Vice President of Virtual Power Plant Sp. z o.o. As a moderator occurred dr Sebastian Kawczyński – Member of the Board of Polish E-mobility Association.
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