
PSEM President holds a lecture in the Parliament of the Republic of Poland.
16 February 2017
23.02.2017 the Parliamentary Team of Mining and Energy titled „Poland on its way to electromobility” will hold a meeting. The programme includes the presentation of the Mrs. Sylwia Koch – Kopyszko, the President of PSEM „Electomobility and renewable sources of energy”.
- Plan of Electromobility Development – Mrs. Jadwiga Emilewicz – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development
- Advanced, innovative solutions for the urban transportation; autonomic vehicles – prof. Włodzimierz Choromański, Head of SIMT Institution , Transportation Department, Warsaw University of Technology
- E-Bus programme – Mr. Michał Szaniawski, vice President of the ARP Inc.
- Elektomobility and renewable sources of energy – Mrs. Sylwia Koch-Kopyszko, President of the Polish Elecromobility Association
- Discussion
- Wrap-up