
Electromobility - the direction of automotive development
26 February 2019
On February 20, 2019, at the Practical Training Center in Ostrów Wielkopolski, PSEM, together with his partner Nissan Polody, Kalisz was present at the seminar entitled "Electromobility - it's a future that is going on today." Participants of this event were the youth from the Transport and Electricity School in Ostrowie Wlkp. The topic was electromobility - the current trend of the automotive market development in the world and in our country The seminar was organized by Nissan Polody Car Salon in Kalisz in cooperation with the South Wielkopolski Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Directorate of Transport and Electrical Schools and the Management of Practical Training Center in Ostrów Wlkp. PSEM assumed Honorary Patronage over this event.
He shared his knowledge and experiences with students, dr inż. Tomasz Kośmicki - head of NCEE technical support (Nissan Sales Central & Eastern Europe) from Warsaw. The seminar was devoted not only to the technical and operational aspects of vehicles powered by electricity. The issues of charging technology and infrastructure as well as problems related to design, production, purchasing and methods of optimal use of electric vehicles were also discussed.
Issues of efficiency of technical solutions used in electric cars were considered on the example of a vehicle named Nissan Leaf, because the market success of such a "popular" middle class C segment car can be a determinant of the further direction of automotive development. For the automotive professions, it was important that Nissan Leaf is one of the first cars tested under the new, restrictive protocol verifying the actual capabilities of vehicles, so-called. WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure). After the lecture, the pupils watched the previously discussed vehicle in the CKP car workshop. There was also a test drive.
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